Time SavvY - Time Management Platform
Process improvement is an integral part of business development. The rapid development of technology in the modern world has led to an acceleration of working time. It has become necessary for companies to implement new systems and create optimal processes to ensure transparency, measurability and comparability. Increasing employee productivity and optimal use of working hours is one of the most important components of business development.
In today's reality, it is very important for companies to properly manage human resources, measure time costs and evaluate employee performance based on objective arguments. Remote working conditions are a challenge for companies and HR managers, as it becomes even more difficult to track the time spent by employees, the tasks they perform, and to discover employees' weaknesses for their development.
The SavvY team, as part of the GEclose2EU project, has developed the Time SavvY team management platform, which helps management to monitor, measure and consequently evaluate team performance. It helps team members themselves to improve their performance, become more efficient and refine their time management skills, which ultimately guarantees career opportunities.
For companies whose work is based on projects or whose structure consists of independent, self-contained departments, it is even more important to have a tool, in this case a platform, to track project- or department- related time costs as well as project- or department- related revenues.
With the Time SavvY functionality, you can:
- Record work assignments and the corresponding time of each employee
- Take into account vacations and holidays
- Automatically calculate the working time of each employee in relation to tasks, projects and departments
- Automatically create and submit reports
- Convert each employee's work time into salary-related expenses and redistribute it among tasks, projects, and departments
- Measure the productivity of your employees and plan their development
One of the advantages of the platform is the employee table (accounting of employees' working hours), which is mandatory requirement for companies by the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
In addition, the platform is used as a central system for collecting information on employees.
Automated reports on the profitability of departments and projects, as well as on the time and cost of jobs, are an important tool for management to optimize and improve business processes, develop HR strategies, and evaluate the profitability of projects and departments in general.
We have successfully implemented Time SavvY in our company and the team is committed to using this digital technology in our day-to-day business.
For companies that want to improve their business model, digitally transform their business processes, create organizational flexibility, save costs and become more competitive, Time SavvY is one of the best tools.